It’s finally here — today Ellie is sharing her birth story with us!
We’re so excited to share this incredible experience with you all.
It’s true that there are dozens of ways to approach giving birth, and that each birth story is totally unique.
Most women in the US have hospital births.
Some opt for a natural birth at home.
Some hire doulas or midwives.
You can labor on a bed, in the shower, in a tub, on a ball, squatting, on your back, kneeling, walking, lying down.
There are many medical interventions available for women who want or need them — pitocin, epidurals, pain killers, c-sections, and more.

It’s also true that you can make all kinds of plans … but once that baby starts to move, pretty much all bets are off.
And from the first moments of a natural birth at home to the final harrowing hours — it’s not an exaggeration to say that Ellie’s birth story encompasses about 85% of all possible birth scenarios.
Plan A: Natural birth at home
Baby: Here is Plan B-Z
Ellie’s birth experience is an incredible example of how unpredictable this whole process of labor and delivery is. How you can have a ton of great support, and things can still take unexpected turns. How you can read and prepare and take classes, but there’s still so much you can’t know until you go through it.
And how surrender is one of our biggest superpowers. Because, you know, we talk a lot about surrender in this work.
Surrender is that sacred way we know that all that is happening is happening for our highest good — that we can trust what the Universe is up to and can trust our intuition and desire along the way.
Sometimes surrender feels easy and amazing … like you’re riding waves of ecstacy …
… and at other times, it is a deep spiritual (and literal!) labor.
It requires heroic levels of inward listening. It asks again and again that we return to the primal ground of our being.
Beyond all the exciting details of the birth, there’s an amazing extra gift in this conversation, too — the tenderness, humility, and wisdom that grew from this experience.

There’s so much to absorb with this one, and we hope you love listening in as much as we enjoyed making this episode.
HUGE thanks to Ellie for this incredible moment of intimate sharing. And of course, huge congrats on a job well done and a gorgeous baby Bear!

What you’ll learn in this episode:
- Ellie’s birth plan, and why she decided on a home birth
- What helped her the most in early labor
- The experience of a harrowing 30+-hour labor (that definitely did not go according to plan!)
- How she made it through the hardest parts
- What she wished she would have known going into labor
- What she learned — and what she’d like her next birth to be like

Pleasure Mastery Mentorship Program: Become a Magnet for the Love, Sex, and Abundance You Crave
This program is a safe space where you get to:
- Release shame and trauma around intimacy, your body, sexuality, and talking about sex & intimacy
- Break through your sex, love and money blocks
- Gain the ability to let in the kind of love, touch and attention you desire from men (or whoever you date)
- Master your relationship to your body — understand your body’s natural cycles and rhythms and how to live in alignment with them
- Get greater results & be more effective in your work — while doing way less
- Experience the power of having your truest self witnessed, honored, and celebrated
- Learn to trust yourself and your intuition
People and Resources
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Connect with Aimee
Connect with Ellie
Spiritual Midwifery, by Ina May Gaskin
Tranquility by Hehe website and Insta
Rights Over Your Birth Package from Sacred Birth Doula